
"Upadevata" or the affiliated God is Lord Hanuman the gentle giant, the epitome of selflessness and devotion whose strength and character are legendary in Hindu folklore. He is humility personified and in this temple his presence is enshrined in the South East of "Nalambalam". "Thrikala" Pooja is conducted here and the main offering is the Hanuman Ashotharam . Hanuman Jayanthi is an important function in the annals of the temple and is celebrated here annually with due fervour and enthusiasm.

The Mahalekshmi image is in the south west corner of the Nalambalam and faces the east. Besides Thrikala Pooja , Lekshmi Pooja and Kumkumarchana which means an offering of vermillon powder the symbol of feminine power and grace is carried out on all Fridays which is considered the Day of commemoration of Goddess. Exclusive prayer sessions and worship is the hall mark on the first Friday of the Malayalam month and also during the hallowed days of Navrathri.

The Mahaganapathi temple is towards the left of the Mahalakshmi temple and the deity of honor is Lord Ganesh. As is universally known this pot bellied elephant headed God is the architect of all auspicious events in the world.He is the Divine personage who is gifted with the power of surmounting of all obstacles encountered by a devout person. It is considered propitious to seek the blessings of this lovable God and His conferments are sure to reach any human being who approaches him for succour. Vinayaka Ashtotharam is the main offering here and the significant function celebrated here is Vinayaka Chaturthi..

On the north west of the Nalambalam and facing east is the shrine dedicated to Vittala Swamy whose image is revered here.Thrikala Pooja is conducted here also.

Thrikala Pooja is offered to Garuda whose figure is in the north-east of Nalambalam. Garuda faces West.